
You are currently viewing archive for February 2010

11 February 2010

80 days

February 10, 2010.

Last night I sat at my computer and pressed play on a song on an album I'd just downloaded. Within 30 seconds I knew I'd listen to that song many times in the future and enjoy it each time. New music, new pleasures to look forward to.

5:45 am this morning It's bitter cold out but the three of us decided to go out anyway. Snow was everywhere. The light from my headlamp touched the snow on the ground, on the weeds, and threw back glittering lights, so surprising, so beautiful that I was amazed I didn't go out every cold snowy morning with the dogs. Surprises to look forward to.

Later this morning The new song came on while I was on the ellipticals and I was so glad that I had a excuse to jump around to the beat. I closed my eyes and enjoyed.

Late morning Laying in a folder at work is the Intent to Retire letter I had written last Friday. A big step. Is it really time? Am I really ready to leave this comfortable path?

Yes, let's go. I took the letter over to the office.

Yes! Freedom to come. And the new path is sure to hold simple pleasures and little surprises and moments to savor and plenty, plenty more.

(and thanks to Citizen Cope)