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14 July 2011
11 July 2011
cat's pose
Downward dog, cat-cow, child's pose . . . anyone who has taken a yoga class knows these basic poses. I call this one "cat's pose" because it's kind of like my cat doing her version of child's pose:
Maybe we have things to learn from our cats, like how we should stop running around, how to give it all up for comfort. A theme like "Things I've Learned from my Dog", a list I've enjoyed for at least 10 years. Gee, I'm not surprised, a Google search just now pulled up one for cats too.
Maybe we have things to learn from our cats, like how we should stop running around, how to give it all up for comfort. A theme like "Things I've Learned from my Dog", a list I've enjoyed for at least 10 years. Gee, I'm not surprised, a Google search just now pulled up one for cats too.